The Khimki city district near Moscow became a pilot project for the use of the “improvement designer”. By order of the city administration Khimki MIG has developed projects for the improvement of 12 city streets, two station areas adjacent to the Khimki and Skhodnya stations, as well as 20 courtyard spaces. The design solutions were approved by the Artistic Council of the city administration. Khimki and the Architectural Commission under the Glavarkhitektura of the Moscow Region.


Pedestrian area improvement project

4,18 ha

The improvement project for one of the oldest streets in Moscow was timed to coincide with the 520th anniversary of the Old Arbat. The development of the pedestrian zone provided for the preservation of the historical appearance of the street while providing greater comfort to Muscovites and guests of the city. It was proposed to free the facades from an excessive number of advertising banners and signs, to organize convenient street navigation, to install benches, small architectural forms and tubular landscaping, to improve the adjacent squares, to create artistic lighting of buildings and monuments. The project included design options for zones for artists, artists and second-hand booksellers, summer café terraces in stylistic accordance with the surrounding architectural environment.

As part of the improvement, it was proposed to reorganize the site between Smolenskaya Square and Denezhny Lane by expanding the pedestrian zone and creating parking spaces and public transport stops in the adjacent territories.


The concept of landscaping the yard on the site of the production zone No36 “Red Builder”

2,19 ha


The project provides for the creation of a space commensurate with a person inside a large microdistrict, a multifunctional environment for different age groups of the population. The concept is based on a system of pedestrian routes-links that are most convenient for walking. These footpaths cut the section into similar triangles, which makes it possible to offer a uniform shape for filling the space. This system allows you to find individual solutions for each yard. Fillings have several options for forms of various sizes – from small volumes (20 m2) to large areas (800 m2). Each element has its own function and its own relief.