Territorial planning determines the purpose of the territory, based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors, in order to ensure its sustainable development, including engineering, transport and social infrastructure, to ensure that the interests of citizens and their associations of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal formations.
As part of the work, an analysis of the existing use is carried out and the prerequisites for the development of residential, industrial, public and natural areas, social, transport and engineering infrastructures are identified. As a result, a complex of urban planning measures is being developed to solve the identified problems and balanced development of the territoryTYPES OF WORK PERFORMED:
• territorial planning schemes
• master plans
• rules of land use and development
- General plan of the village Zhukovka, Odintsovo district, Moscow region 541.8 hectares
- Territorial scheme “Biryulevo Zapadnoye” of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow 851 hectares
- Territorial scheme “Biryulevo Vostochnoye” of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow 617 ha
- Territorial scheme “Degunino-Likhobory” of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow 152.8 ha

Territorial scheme, including the production zone “Degunino-Likhobory”
CAO of Moscow