Urban planning

Sustainable urban development in the context of increasing urbanization requires designers to use modern tools to create a functional planning organization of the territory, taking into account the economic, social, natural and ecological, engineering and transport components.

The design of MIG is based on an interdisciplinary approach, which allows to form the future planning of both new territories and built-up ones, to rethink existing spaces that have changed their purpose and function.

Preparation of urban planning documentation is carried out for territories of different sizes, taking into account the current territorial planning documents and regulatory legal documents.


  • territorial development concepts

  • territory planning projects

  • urban planning plans of land plots (GPZU) 

  • land surveying projects 

  • plans for the implementation of territorial planning projects


Transport service of the territory and development of the road network

Development of social infrastructure

Sketch of project proposals

Functional planning organization of the territory

Engineering support of the territory

Development of natural and green areas